
11 Doctoral Candidate (DC) positions for MSCA Doctoral Network

The project consortium of CONcISE joins forces to develop biomedical imaging devices where the hardware and software are completely integrated and developed together, and that allow a more data-efficient and quality-oriented scanning of biological tissues.

DCs will work on individual doctoral projects in order to develop novel and unconventional techniques for multi-dimensional biomedical optical imaging for the detection and mapping of absorption, scattering and fluorescence, in biological tissues using visible and near-infrared light.

The objective of the network and the doctoral programmes is to overcome traditional limitations of the current biomedical instrumentation, which focus on the maximisation of the data acquired, regardless of its quality. This leads to a large amount of data to manage, transfer, and analyse and thus creates data bottlenecks and gaps in measurements. voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

What we offer

CONcISE offers the DCs research and training excellence for the design of three novel systems to address relevant paradigmatic problems related to biomedical imaging. The project partners will lead three main research themes, in addition to an advanced training programme, organised in six ‘topical schools’, for the development and implementation of new cutting-edge systems for unconventional multi-dimensional biomedical optical imaging.

DCs will be offered the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary way, moving from hardware to software development and vice versa, being at the best position to fill the gap between system development and data analysis, which is often the result of the traditional monothematic training typically adopted in biomedical imaging research.

To complement the academic and scientific goals of the DCs, the project will offer customised research projects, structured interdisciplinary, network-wide transferable skills training activities, and secondments at top-ranking European universities, research institutes, and industry partners.